Types of Funds
The Youngstown Foundation offers a variety of charitable funds to help donors fulfill their charitable and financial goals. Creating a fund with us is simple, takes little time, and allows donors to create a legacy that will live on forever. Our professional staff handles all of the administrative details. Learn more about the fund types below.
Unrestricted Fund
Donors can give to the community by creating their own unrestricted fund or by making individual gifts to the Foundation’s Unrestricted Fund. This option allows donors, professional staff and community leaders to identify today’s most compelling issues and effective programs providing maximum assurance that grants remain relevant and responsive to the community’s ever-changing needs.
Designated Fund
A designated fund enables a donor to support one or more specific charitable organizations or institutions, in perpetuity. Should the designated organization—or the purpose of that organization—cease to exist, the foundation will re-allocate the fund’s income to reflect the donor’s original wishes and intent.
Donor Advised Fund
Donors seeking maximum flexibility and simplicity when giving to multiple charities often choose a donor advised fund. This option allows for naming rights and donor engagement in recommending grants that support organizations, programs or projects. An initial gift establishes the fund, which can readily receive bequests. Donors can add to it at any time in any amount.
Field of Interest/Scholarship Fund
Field of Interest Fund allows the donor to focus on one or more areas of concern such as the arts, education, or health care, yet does not restrict grants to any one organization. Scholarship Funding is administered as designated by the donor.
Organization Endowment Fund
Organization Endowment Fund assists nonprofit organizations in asset management and eliminates administrative burdens and costs associated with holding their own endowment fund.